Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Eggonardo Da Vinci Lives Up To His Family Name

Today at Enrich the Physics group made their own custom parachutes. Mine was a Leonardo Da Vinci type parachute that consisted of a big parachute with a little parachutes attached to it. Both parachutes had a small hole in the middle for stability. When we tested them, though, my plan for a great flight was       destroyed when my parachute made a world record breaking 0.87 second drop from about three metres.  Later on we did more on our environment project and I worked on the fliers to hand out and worked on my proposal to the ICC to send out the fliers around the Thomson's Bush area.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today at Enrich we chose new High Interest Stations and I chose Physics. The other choices were Maths (Fibonacci Numbers/Sequence) and Art (3D Drawing).
In Physics we made parachutes out of different materials and we are testing the parachutes with eggs.
We worked in pairs and I worked with Je Eun and we made a parachute out of blue tartan material.
All the parachutes were a circle of the same diameter and had the same design except for the material.
At the beginning of lunch we tested the parachutes and Je Eun and I did pretty well.
Our egg, Scotty, came out at the end with only a little graze on his side.
Overall, no one got a broken egg while testing.

Looking forward to next week when we make custom parachutes.



Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Soldier Cartoon

Today at Enrich at the cartooning group we could choose something to draw from a cartoon book and then upload it to Kid Pix and colour it in.

I chose this soldier cartoon:

                                               Which I then changed to this:

Later on I worked on my Environment Project and started working on the brochures about Thomson's Bush to hand out.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Today at Enrich we split up into new High Interest groups and I chose Cartooning with Katie.
Since I had already been in the Science group I couldn't join this time.
The other group up for choice was Biology, which I wasn't too worried about.

In Cartooning we drew some cartoon characters as demonstrated by Stu Duval on his website,

Earlier in the day, we did our Environment Projects. My Environment Project is handing out Thomson's Bush Predator and Pollution awareness fliers around the Thomson's Bush area. I am working with Kyle and Jackson which is good because we can split up the workload between the three of us, eg. I type up info, Kyle researches and Jackson surveys on Google Earth.

Next week we are probably going to start making the fliers.

Type To You Later,
