Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today in Science with Katie we made two loaves of bread to see the yeast/water reaction. We then made some sherbet and then later on we made hokey pokey. We had bread and hokey pokey for lunch and some of us (not me though), finished our sherbet. I also did the Visual Spatial workshop which was the follow-up to Twice Exceptional.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hi Declan.
It was great to see you so involved during our first session of science talent development. You enjoyed unpacking the science trolley, and contributed positively to the light sensor experiment that we conducted. You looked at the results, and used them to form excellent points in our group conclusion. You were using scientific language such as light rays, infrared, electrical outlet rather than an "easy" word, which is great to see. Keep up the amazing effort Declan.