Thursday, December 1, 2011

2011 Reflection

This is my reflection for 2011. If you want to read it click on the picture.


Thursday, November 24, 2011


Today in Science with Katie we made two loaves of bread to see the yeast/water reaction. We then made some sherbet and then later on we made hokey pokey. We had bread and hokey pokey for lunch and some of us (not me though), finished our sherbet. I also did the Visual Spatial workshop which was the follow-up to Twice Exceptional.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hi Declan.
It was great to see you so involved during our first session of science talent development. You enjoyed unpacking the science trolley, and contributed positively to the light sensor experiment that we conducted. You looked at the results, and used them to form excellent points in our group conclusion. You were using scientific language such as light rays, infrared, electrical outlet rather than an "easy" word, which is great to see. Keep up the amazing effort Declan.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today at Enrich I did cartooning. I drew this cartoon whale whilst watching a tutorial. I copied the bear from a cartooning book. My whale is a bit better than the bear because the tutorial had someone telling you what to do instead of just looking at pictures and copying them.
By the way, the pictures came out backwards. The whale is actually saying ''YUM''.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Today we learnt about the Mobius Strip and the Klein bottle. They are two very important things in science because they both join up to each other. The Klein bottle has two self-intersections (When something goes through itself) which is very complicated.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hi Declan,

You were very thoughtful during talent development this week, making some great observations of the previous MADE award winners. I'm looking forward to getting our own documentaries under way!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Term 3

It is now term 3 at Enrich and we have started talent development. I chose documentary and we started researching what a documentary needs. We also started using the new Must do, Can do sheet. It is a piece of paper we stick in our workbook and as we get things done we get them signed off and we have to get at least 7 out of 9.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Teacher Comment


Well done on your term at Enrich. Your passion project was well organised and you made good use of experts to benefit your video. You are a quiet, well mannered class member who has maintained and made new friendships. It is great to see you helping the new students when they are unsure of something. Your time management is great - you use your time at Enrich wisely to benefit your learning. Keep up the great effort Declan. I am looking forward to another busy term with you.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

2 stars and a wish

Today it was the last day at Enrich for the term and we had to do 2 stars and a wish. The stars are 2 things that we like about this term and the wish is what we want next term. My first star is that I really liked to make the earthquake safety video because I got to go to the Civil Defence and work with my friends. My second star is that I really liked the current events about tornadoes in the US because I am really interested in tornadoes and it gave me time to explain exactly how a tornado is formed. My wish is that next term I can manage my time better and not waste it on the internet.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Today at Enrich Thomas, Kieran and I completed most of the earthquake safety video. So far we are just editing it in iMovie HD and we have made a song and credits. We hope to finish it soon to get it on our blogs.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Civil Defence Questions

These are the questions I typed up to ask the Civil Defence for when Kieran, Thomas and I went to the Southland Civil Defence headquarters. We went there to gain information for our earthquake safety video. We learnt lots about the HQ and got our questions answered.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Gifted Awareness Week 2011

This week it is Gifted Awareness Week. Here at Enrich we had to describe what we think being gifted means. I think that being gifted means you are talented in certain areas, example: I am good reading, writing and maths but I'm not that great at PE. It also means that you can know lots of things others don't, but you don't know everything. I am lucky to come to Enrich because if I didn't I wouldn't know about my talents and I wouldn't be able to use them so well. At Enrich I have also learnt lots of different ICT skills and even computer programming.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Passion Project

This term my friend Thomas and I plan to make an earthquake safety video for 0-6 year olds. It will show what to do and what not to do before, during and after an earthquake. I have already contacted the Civil Defence for information. We're still working on where to film it. After it is finished I will upload onto my blog so you can watch it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Current Affairs Week 1

This is my Current Affairs for Week 1 Term 2. It was all about the tornadoes in the the US over the school holidays. We answered questions like what do you do if there is a tornado and how a tornado forms.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


This is my interactions sheet which shows what I thought/think about interactions. The first part shows my prior knowledge and then the second part is my new learning about interactions. The reason I changed my thinking was because at first I didn't know much about interactions but now I know quite a bit because we went for a ride around town and we had to write down all the interactions we saw. The next week we learnt that interactions are reciprocal actions (the meaning is on the sheet).

Simpsons Interaction Sheet

This is my Simpson's interactions sheet. We watched a treehouse of horror episode. Then we recorded some answers of what interactions we saw on the episode.

There was a combination of positive and negative interactions.
I learnt that it is hard to find some interactions because some are easy to find and others you need to go into detail to find.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Current Affairs Week 7

This is my Current Affairs Week 7. It shows my answers that I did for my current affairs. I had to answer questions such as what do Japan, Samoa, New Zealand and so on have in common. The picture down the bottom is of the Pacific Ring of Fire. It shows where it stretches from and where it ends at. The Pacific Ring of Fire has been named that by scientists because it is a ring that has lots of tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions like the boxing day tsunami. The Japan quake is on the ring as well and New Zealand is at the start of the ring so we could have a tsunami one day too.

Current Affairs Week 8

This is my Current Affairs for week 8. It is an animation that some friends and I did about the Japan Earthquake. It shows a house being shaken in an aftershock and then two people being rescued by a helicopter. The current affairs was about two people being rescued from the wreckage of a building nine days after the quake.
We each edited them separately so none in the group had the same one.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Current Affairs

These are the answers that I wrote for my Current Affairs activity. We had to answer some questions like how would we feel like if we went to school in Christchurch and our school was badly damaged and we couldn't go back. The reason we do current affairs at Enrich is because we have to think both critically and creatively to answer questions and give our ideas of how it can be fixed or ways to get around it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week 2 Term 4

It's the second week back at Enrich and today my new Talent Development group (which is science, by the way) did some experiments with ice. We found out what type of ice melts fastest. There was normal ice, Raro ice, sugar water ice, ice with salt and ice with sugar. It turned out that normal ice melted fastest in the first experiment and ice with salt melted fastest in the second experiment. After lunch we started normal workshops and I did friendships and physics. After that, I did my where in the world and then the day was over.


Goodbye and thanks for visiting my blog.